World Kindness Day

In a world where you can be anything, be kind, and this World Kindness Day we encourage you to celebrate by being kind to yourself. World Kindness Day was established by The World Kindness Movement to promote the importance of being kind to one another, to yourself, and the world. From a young age, we are taught the Golden Rule, “you should treat others the same way you would want to be treated yourself.” When the people around us are kind, or we are kind to others, it can make us feel good to have been shown kindness. An act of kindness can be shown in a multitude of gestures, such as buying your tired colleague a freshly made coffee, buying your friend a hot lunch, or donating groceries to the local charity food bank. We can get so caught up in showing kindness to others, that we can often forget to show ourselves that needed kindness.

Oscar Wilde once wrote: “To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.” If we’re being honest, being kind to ourselves can often be a hard challenge. However, this challenge can be overcome by finding which areas of our lives we need to be kinder towards. There are several ways to practice kindness on ourselves, but the beginning process will require time and effort on our part. To start, it’s important to recognise we are human, and we can all struggle with being kind to ourselves. There may have been a time when you did something you weren’t proud of, or a goal you didn’t follow through with. It’s okay to make mistakes and not always accomplish or meet high expectations that may be from work, school, home, or from yourself. When needed, remember to show yourself kindness, stop blaming yourself for what happened, forgive yourself, and move forward.

Compassion is empathy in action. Empathy, at it’s simplest, is understanding and feeling the emotions and experiences of other people. Self-compassion for yourself isn’t any different from having compassion for others around you. Allowing yourself to have self-compassion isn’t having self-pity, but rather recognising that life can be hard and it’s important to do things for yourself to make life feel easier, or happier for yourself. If you noticed that your friend was having a difficult time, you would find a way to comfort and care for them. Self-compassion is acting that same way towards yourself when you’re having a hard time. It’s important to find ways to practice self-compassion, such as don’t be afraid to let yourself make mistakes, care for yourself as you would to others, or practice mindfulness and focus on what you’re feeling and sensing and how you want to react to it. By showing yourself self-compassion, it will allow you to become healthier and happier because you’re caring about yourself.       

One of the best ways to show kindness towards yourself is simply by taking care of yourself. By taking the time to take care for yourself, you are reminding yourself that your physical, mental, and emotional needs are important too. Self-care can make you feel good about yourself and bring self-value. One way to show self-care is by living a healthier life, such as eating healthy food, getting enough sleep, regular exercise, and going for regular medical check-ups. Try practicing self-care through doing something you would enjoy, such as watching your favourite series, cooking a delicious meal, going out with your friends, or buying yourself a treat at the mall. Finally, find ways that will help you relax after a long day, such as practicing yoga, getting a massage, listening to calming music, or enjoying a fresh cup of herbal tea.

World Kindness Day is about spreading kindness through small gestures. This day is a reminder that simple acts of kindness have the power to make a difference in the world by making the world a little kinder. This World Kindness Day, celebrate through performing small, good deeds, such as smiling at a stranger, calling a friend, or loved one you haven’t spoken to for a while, or holding the door open for someone. On World Kindness Day, remember to not only celebrate spreading kindness to those around you, but to spread that kindness to yourself. One of the best relationships you can have in this world is a positive and healthy relationship with yourself by being kind towards yourself.

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