World Day for Safety and Health at Work & Worker’s Memorial Day


Today is World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Worker’s Memorial Day! #worldWHSday2020. The theme for 2020 is Stop the Pandemic: Safety and Health at Work Can Save Lives.

At Ascent Rehabilitation, we are passionate about the value of meaningful work and now, more than ever, are grateful for the work that we do. We are doing our part to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by:

  • Ensuring proper hygiene and cleanliness in the workplace
  • Implementing physical distancing; and,
  • Using personal protective equipment as appropriate.

COVID-19 has brought with it a need for Australians to adapt to rapidly changing workplace and social practices, and this includes how we undertake our work at Ascent. Our team is endeavouring to ensure we are doing our part to enhance everyone’s health and safety at work – including in our own workplace!

We have been implementing many different ways to stay safe at work, whether working remotely or in the office. These include:

  • Individual workstation assessments for our staff who have transitioned to working from home (thanks to the amazing Occupational Therapists in our team!)
  • Regular team check-ins via phone calls, video conferencing, text, or email
  • Sharing our individual self-care strategies with one each other and setting weekly health and well-being goals
  • Communicating openly with one another; sharing our happy moments and discussing challenges faced regarding the current climate
  • Doing what works for us; taking regular breaks, getting up to stretch, going for a lunch time walk, drinking lots of water, maintaining three square meals a day, staying involved in activities that we enjoy (as appropriate), etc.

It is so important, on this day, to recognise that the biggest asset you give to any workplace is yourself. We encourage you to take time today to consider what changes you could make for yourself, or your colleagues, to ensure everyone is feeling safe and well; particularly during this difficult time.

Please feel free to reach out to Ascent if you would like support relating to safety at work. Alternatively, feel free to follow the link below to have a look at the SafeWork Australia site for more information and inspiration:

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