Ergonomic Assessment

Author: Ascent Rehabilitation  Ergonomic Assessment 

What exactly is ergonomics?  

Ergonomics is the study of the interaction between human beings, their work, the tools they use, and the environment in which they function. The goal of ergonomics is to work towards a safe and healthy work environments, free from recognized hazards. This is achieved by fitting the job to the person, rather than making the person fit the job! 

Here at Ascent, we offer a range of Ergonomic services. Primarily, this occurs in the form of workstation ergonomics, where our patients so often develop cumulative or stress related workplace injuries. In a nutshell, the onset of these conditions can be explained by considering the impacts of constant muscle exertion, which is known to reduce blood flow, disadvantaging normal healing of sprains and strains.  

What can Ascent do to help?  

In the management of workplace injuries, Ascent staff are trained to identify components of the employee’s working environment which might be disadvantageous for health. This can include inappropriate desk heights/adjustments (eliciting poor upper limb posture), inappropriate chair heights/adjustments (eliciting poor lower limb posture), inappropriate screen positioning (encouraging poor neck posture) or inappropriate equipment positioning (eliciting poor spinal posture). All factors combined, it’s understandable why so many people in desk based roles report of pain and discomfort. But, it’s usually an easy fix.  

What’s the impact?  

For Ascent, ergonomics is not only about addressing pain. It’s about addressing the secondary effects of pain!  

For the workplace, the onset of a work related pain condition can:  

  • reduced concentration; 
  • reduced job satisfaction; 
  • reduced motivation; 
  • reduced productivity; 
  • increased stressors  
  • increased use of personal leave entitlements 
  • increase in the incidence of workers compensation claims 

So, what should I do?  

Preventative care is always better than reactive care. Ascent Rehabilitation offers a range of early intervention services targeted towards mitigating risk of injuries in the workplace. We’re here to provide expert advice on low cost, or no cost, methods to make the workplace safe and healthy for all. If you’d like more information, just give us a call.   

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